The different heights and successes we attain in life are most times not by the amount of hard work we put in the realization of our dreams and goals, but we achieve them by the relationships we keep and have built over the years.
Quite a number of benefits different people enjoy today were solely based on the fruitful relationships their parents had kept and maintained with certain people. A lot of times we tend to despise the power of relationships, we treat relationships with less value, we most times even single-handedly disband our built relationships over minor issues and arguments.
Relationships are meant to be cherished no matter how small the circle is. There have been numerous examples of people who by a healthy relationship have landed themselves juicy contracts, recommendations, and approvals. I am also glad there is a platform now that helps brings the value of relationships into the spotlight, the LinkedIn platform. LinkedIn has since become the fastest, most active, and respectable platform for everyone. LinkedIn is a platform for all, a place where people get to meet their destiny helpers, a place where both job and personal issues get solved within little or no time depending on how consistent you have been. In setting up the LinkedIn profile page, there is a particular key instrument i love so much and that's the RECOMMENDATION aspect of the page setup. This is where the benefit of maintaining a good and cordial relationship set in, you will agree with me that no one will go out of their way in recommending you if you have no track record of a fruitful relationship or profile with them.
No one will ever go out of their way to recommend someone they are not sure of, someone they haven't had personal contact with, someone that hasn't performed a task with them. You can't walk up to just anyone and tell them to recommend you without a cordial relationship, that's basically one side of how to get recommendations. Other ways you might be recommended is if you have got someone related or close to someone you know, or maybe because of the built and cherished relationship, your parents have with some certain people they can as well consider recommending you.
Your recommendations on the platform help your visibility, it helps reassure authenticity, and above all, it helps build trust in the minds of people. Relationships cherished are always of benefit to all parties involved. It lands you some unwanted presidential treatments, finds you out among the crowd, and many more.
Do not despise, or disband a healthy relationship today solely because of an argument or disagreement that can be resolved. Build up healthy relationships today, If not for you but for your kids and your coming generations. The earth they say is spherical in shape, you really do not know who you will be meeting next, you can't predict who your kids will meet in the future, and if peradventure you already have a broken relationship, try your best to get it amended not because of the benefit that comes with it but because is actually the right thing to do. Do not give up on that relationship, because you must realize that the circle you keep today is your children's connection tomorrow, never burn down that bridge.
Just like i said earlier if you really want to know the value of relationships then you need to get on the LinkedIn platform, there is a lot waiting to be explored by you.
Always remember this if you can't remember all that i have said up there, the relationship you keep today is your children's connection tomorrow.
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